Tuesday, 21 April 2009

..now put your hands up!

ok, i find this sososososososo funny and sososososo cool tht i feel sosososo bumbed i didn't get to see it happening live right in front of me cos i would've been singing and dancing along to it with my hips all over the place. when i saw this, i immediately thought of my friend Quie, who could not stop laughing ever since i told her that i was trying to learn the choreography to Beyonce's Single Ladies song, and showed her this video (of a guy dancing to it) that i was trying to learn the moves from. now whenever i mention anything about 'dancing', she'd always respond by saying, 'oh, your single ladies song?' and this image of the guy in the video just pops up immediately in our heads.. haha. okok, stop.

i just think this is so awesome, 100 hot girls dancing to the full song of single ladies, in the middle of Piccadilly Circus, London! maaaan, i wish i was there somewhere, maybe dancing with them as well, with the proper black costume-swim-wear-looking-thing and my black high heel shoes on... *sigh* wouldn't it be nice........
haha, i can hear Quie laughing her head off right now.

♥ quie♪ ♥ says: (20:02:27)
oh if you're dancing with them i would be so proud of you girl
♥ quie♪ ♥ says: (20:02:47)
i'll be telling everyone on the street that the little asian girl over there dancing is my best friend in uni
tss: blee says: (20:03:13)


  1. all of them single?? would love to just cycle right through the dancers with a huge hand capture net..

    and London's so sexy!!

  2. tess yaoloh yaolohkeren bgt i love single ladies best video of the year yaoloh yaoloh ini keren bgt yampun

  3. abis abis abis abis gilaaaa. gw bengong pas ntn!!!! cnt believe i wasnt there, monyet! haha
