Sunday, 26 April 2009

for daddie

my attempt to sing and play TLC's waterfall... painful painful painful. but i had fun! haha. Quie's the one singing the second voice, btw. she is awesome! i wish i can always have her singing in the background. she should actually sing the whole song, but o well. haha. enjoy, dad! or not... wtv :)

ps: the audio sucks, you can barely hear me. maybe wear your earphones if you wanna hear clearer.


  1. aw mannn! keren abiss, gw waktu itu nyobain juga, bunyinya lucu bgtt hahah. and it's so easy!

  2. hahaha iknorite. four strings doang! hha

  3. ukulele!! adorable! And that was my favorite song circa 1999 :P
